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Landscape Painting at your Kitchen Table (online class)

Led by instructor Gerry Heydt, work at home to explore landscape painting from your photos with small canvases and a limited palette. This online class will cover: simplifying the landscape into a dark and light study, mixing realistic colors with a more limited palette, and representing scale and perspective to capture the essence of the landscape. Learn how to handle skies, grasses, trees, water, and other landscape elements by simplifying and using expressive brushwork and palette knife. Instructor will provide both demonstrations and one-on-one feedback.
To participate, students will need to have access to the following materials/tools in their home:

Computer, tablet, or phone with internet and access to Zoom

Art materials:

Oil paints recommended: Ultramarine blue, viridian green, cadmium yellow light, cadmium red light, alizarin crimson, white: titanium or blended titanium/zinc white.

Canvas or canvas boards, sizes 5” x 7” to 9” x 12” Canvas board will be easier to paint on than many of the economy stretched canvases.

Bristle brushes or synthetic brushes for oil paints (ex. Golden Taklon): brights and filberts: sizes 1, 2, 4.

Painting knife, with raised handle and 1”-2” blade.

Two cups: one for mineral spirits and one for medium.

Mineral spirits: artists grade such as Turpenoid (blue can), or Gamsol.

Oil painting medium

Small ruler eraser

Absorbent paper towels

Table top or easel
Note: New non petroleum based oil painting solvents are now available such as lavender spike oil for cleaning brushes or thinning paint. Alkyd walnut oil, available online at Blick Art Materials, can replace quick drying alkyd mediums.
Course ID/# : 876/340050
Tuition: $145.00

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