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Introduction to Stained Glass

ID : 7669   
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CourseGraphic Come explore the beautiful art of creating stained glass! This class will begin with the basics, such as making straight cuts and assembling a star shape. Students will progress to learning how to cut curves while creating a simple stained glass apple. Once the basic techniques are mastered, students will complete a 12x12 inch artwork of their own design. Working with the instructor, students will learn the techniques made famous by Tiffany, including designing, cutting, foiling, soldering, and finishing. Some materials provided. Materials list of additional supplies to purchase and bring to class listed online. 

This class is taught by an instructor who is bilingual in Polish and English. For questions or additional information, please email us at and we will connect you with the instructor for translation assistance in your preferred language.

Wstep Do Witrazu. Zajecia prowadzone sa przez instruktora, który wlada jezykiem polskim i angielskim. W przypadku pytan lub dodatkowych informacji napisz do nas na adres, a my skontaktujemy Cie z instruktorem w celu uzyskania pomocy w tlumaczeniu na preferowany przez Ciebie jezyk. (Polish)


What to Bring (English)

What to Bring (Polish)

Class Details

9 Session(s)
Weekly - Tue

Visual Arts Center of New Jersey

Eva Sienkiewicz 



Materials/Model/Firing Cost:


Registration Closes On
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
4/1/2025 - 5/27/2025 Weekly - Tue 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM Summit, Visual Arts Center of New Jersey  Map Eva Sienkiewicz